ARTICO Partners AG (“ARTICO”) is granting access to its websites subject to the following Terms and Conditions:
Private Individuals who do not qualify as qualified investors according to Luxembourg law, according to the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA) and according to any other country specific definitions based on the domicile of the investor are not allowed to invest into ARTICO funds and should therefore not access this site. US citizens, persons resident in the USA or any other persons subject to a jurisdiction prohibiting access to the Site (e.g. for reasons of nationality or place of residence), must not access the Site. By accessing the content of the Site you declare to accept the Terms and Conditions.
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The information on the Site does not qualify as a prospectus, as defined in the Swiss Code of Obligations or in the Listing Rules of SWX Swiss Exchange, as an offer, as an invitation or as a recommendation to purchase, sell or otherwise dispose of an investment product or to conduct any other transaction. Further product information, including offering information, may be obtained from ARTICO Partners AG, Stockerstrasse 50, CH-8002, ZĂĽrich/Schweiz.
Suitability and Risks of an Investment
The Site contains no financial, investment, legal or tax advice. ARTICO advises you to consult with your own finance, tax and legal advisor before you take an investment decision. The investments mentioned on the Site are not suitable for private investors, other than qualified private investors. You must take your own investment decisions based on your specific investment goals and your specific financial situation and after consulting with your own advisors.
Some of the statements on the Site are forward looking. Risks, uncertainties and other factors adherent to such statements may lead to actual results of ARTICO funds or results in connection with products described on the Site deviating substantially from those expected or anticipated in the forward looking statements. ARTICO accepts no responsibility for updating forward looking statements published on the Site in order to account for events or circumstance that have occurred after a statement has been published.
Please note that investments in securities are volatile and hence may be subject to value fluctuations and that it can therefore not be assured that an investment fund or other investment products will keep or increase their value or achieve set goals. Results achieved in the past are no guarantee for particular future developments; the inner value/price of a share as well as a potential gain on a share may rise or fall. You should only invest if you can bear potential losses.
No Warranty
Information on the Site is published “as is” and “as available”; you may use the information at your own risk only. ARTICO does not warrant in any event accuracy, timeliness, correctness, completeness, effectiveness, quality, absence of infringements, suitability, existence of or undelayed information on the Site. Any and all warranty is excluded. ARTICO does not warrant technical availability, suitability or flawlessness of the site (including defective operations due to but not limited to computer viruses or modifications by third parties, “hacking”).
No Liability
Any liability of ARTICO for damages due to or in connection with the Site is excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Access to the Site and the Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Switzerland. Exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Zurich, Switzerland.
ARTICO Partners AG, Stockerstrasse 50, CH-8002, ZĂĽrich/Schweiz.